Sunday, February 19, 2006


its been a long time since i blogged, aint it?
ive been very busy in mugging you see, cos i mug alot to get my 4.0

but of course, as everyone should well know...
tomorrow's is a very significant day in the history of mankind.

firstly, it is THE MATHS COMMON CLASS TEST. wow.
and as we all know now, maths is double weightage. so failing this bloody class test would be like giving ourselves a stab in the groin cos its 20% of maths and maths is 2x so... damn.

secondly, tomorrow is the RE PROJECT CONFIRMATION!
damn doesnt it sound cool!

and thirdly, most importantly, most significantly, most whateverly,
tomorrow is my 15th birthday! (which is basically a day to rejoice for all mankind as its saviour takes his first steps into teenage/manhood... which means the world will become a better place because of me. thank you thank you)

this is an example of how mankind have been rejoicing this day as they prepare for the 15th commemoration of the birth of mankind's saviour (me).
i am so touched by this move on NORMAL people's parts.
so therefore on this note, i end my blogpost about my birthday (and yes, the bloody math test and re confirmation).

the saviour of mankind,
See Tow.

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