Saturday, May 19, 2007

hahaha shit. my life is shit. really

i am just so much more volatile nowadays, like i get pissed so damn easily. i used to be an ever smiling person, someone who would carry a smile on his face all the time. but now, inside i feel so empty i feel so screwed up. like a volcano waiting to explode.

last few days i was copying paul's work during physics class because eunice tay didnt want to let us off till we finished our physics problem so i showed her so that i could slack during recess then she asked whether i copied then i said yes then she told me to explain it to her so i went to discuss it with daniel lee and bentay then i wanted to explain how to do it to her then when i went up to her she started screaming random rubbish at me and started scolding me by screaming. and i got damn pissed lar i mean everyone is copying you want me explain then okay lar i understand i want explain to you THEN YOU BLOODY SCREAM AT ME. i was so damn pissed i just muttered "anything" and walked off. then she got damn pissed with me and the nextday she called up my mom and said all the bad stuff about me. like wtf eunice tay really is some shit lar i dont mind her seeing this I TELL YOU EUNICE TAY I HAVE LOST ALL RESPECT FOR YOU. YOU ARE NOT MY TEACHER, shithead.

so now my mom is very pissed with me after eunice tay bitch to her all the shit so ohwells i care uhh only her folly to believe a stupid bitch lar anyway my life is so damn screwed now she thinks im so useless shit who doesnt know shit and now she wants to do everything to me. she cuts my computer time, my tv time, my pocketmoney, and she wants to ban me from training waterpolo. like come on, waterpolo is what i love cant you just stay off and dont take away my passion? without waterpolo i am nothing, it is my identity that ties me to raffles, to my friends. damn it lar damn eunice tay!

argh my life really damn screwed. then i had to go talk cock some more.

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