Sunday, October 22, 2006

haha tomorrow is interclass soccer!

and for the first time in my time in ri, i wont be starting for my class! awwww so sad :( haha anyway i dont really like playing soccer anymore. havent played during recess or lunch since like a few eons ago, since our competition period 7 months ago when i stopped playing soccer so much in case i got injured cos i key player la (thank you thank you) so cannot get injured

haha and also good la. our competition starts on monday and me being such an important player (yes, thank you thank you again, my ego is constantly getting inflated) i shall play very carefully and in soccer, a conservative player is a lousy player. so i shouldnt play so much la later hai my class lose

hehe and not bad la cos our class no muslims but other classes have! haha the muslims sure no energy to play properly cos their ramadan fasting month ends on tuesday and we have interclass soccer on monday so not bad la can outlast them

anyways i think our class can win! we really really got quality this year

and on a side note, our polo team has got lots of quality too!

so i hope we can win on both fronts and make it a good few weeks for me :D

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